Today we are going to talk about email deliverability metrics and figure out how to monitor your deliverability as well as email deliverability best practices. If you want to maximize the chances of your emails landing in a prospect’s main inbox, you need to also keep good track of how your emails are performing. It is necessary to identify what better way to do that than by keeping an eye on email deliverability metrics. Let’s take a closer look at which you should be focusing on.
Top Five Key Metrics For Email Deliverability
Without good deliverability, our email campaign won’t reach your target audience. Your recipients will not have a chance to read and consider your offer. As a result, your efforts will turn out to be in vain. Your goal is to reach the recipient’s inbox, not the spam or junk folder. Tracking key metrics will help you to keep your hand on the pulse of your deliverability. Let’s move on to the top five key metrics to deliver emails to your customers successfully.
One of the metrics you should focus on is the delivery rate, which is very easy to measure. Email delivery rate is a percentage of the emails that were successfully delivered to recipients’ inboxes and didn’t bounce.
The point is the inbox placement rate. It determines the percentage of emails that were delivered to the recipient’s main inbox rather than spam or chan folder. The inbox placement rate may mean that the content you send is irrelevant you have a bad IP or domain reputation or you’ve sent messages to invalid email addresses. However, you can always increase it by following these few steps:
- always validate the email addresses;
- group your target;
- delete inactive contacts;
- engage with prospects to warm them up before outreach.
You should not forget to monitor your bounce rate. There is no need to send any emails until you have resolved the issues with the deliverability number.
The third point is the spam placement rate. It is the number of emails delivered to spam folders either flagged as spam by humans or internet service providers reasons. There are many factors that can push emails into spam. Apart from the recipient’s manual marketing messages as spam, there are some more reasons. For example, you are not personalizing your messages, sending them all at once or you’ve used spam trigger words in the email copy.
The next fourth metric is hard bounces and soft bounces. In general, a bounced email is an email that couldn’t be delivered to the recipient. Permanent reasons cause hard bounces. For example, if the address doesn’t exist, the survey has blocked you or blocked delivery. A soft bounce is a temporary issue by the recipient server-side such as a full mailbox or an oversized message file that couldn’t be delivered the last.
The fifth metric is the compliant rate of spam. Compliance happens when the recipients see your email as irrelevant or annoying and report it as spam. And no one is safe from getting such compliance even if you’re doing everything by the books. The complaint rate is the number of people who reported your email as spam out of the total number of messages you’ve sent. The most common way recipients can report email spam is by clicking the reported spam or this spam button in their inbox. You can prevent a high complaint rate by sending relevant personalized messages, and do not forget to add an unsubscribe link to get your contacts to unsubscribe from your list instead of marking your messages as spam.
Deliverability Check
Each email provider provides its own message limits. The words, images, and links in your emails may alarm spam filters. None of the parts of your email should include spam triggers words. Personalization boosts your deliverability. Here are a few delivery checks to carry out before sending your code email campaign:
Do not track links and opens if you don’t need them.
Plain text emails look more natural to spam filters.
Take care of the quantity and quality of your contact list.
Email deliverability is a complex topic and it may seem scary or annoying to figure it all out. But with the combination of email deliverability best practices we’ve discussed today and monitoring how your campaigns are performing, you will deliver your emails straight to the prospect’s inbox to achieve the best email deliverability. So, take care of your delivery rate, inbox placement rate, spam placement rate, hard and soft bounces, as well as the compliant rate of spam.